CA: 0xD3Ab98E84bbD69F0CeA74f6BC01FBad375C03d07

Retro 404 NFTs
The $Ticker is......
What's to come :
Pair with $CRO on Graduation
Retro 404 on Puush.Fun
Now LIVE !!!!
$BORED/$CRO pairing upon graduation from Puush.fun.
LP provided on VVS Finance.
999 Bored Catz Club Retro 404 NFT - Deployed on Puush.fun
1001001.001 / Per Retro 404 NFT
Over 200+ Unique Traits!
Re=Roll Your BCC for a 5% Fee generating a new Bored Cat!
Apply for 404 NFT listing on Ebisusbay Marketplace
Retro 404 collection listed on Ebisusbay Marketplace for seamless trading of your digital assets.

404 Staking: 40M $BORED Vault.
Platform (TBA)
6 Month 🔒 4%
Staking will be available on puush.fun in the near future. The team is currently working to implement these features.
Official Date : TBA
Launch $Ticker on Puush.fun
Date : Saturday Nov 2
Time : > 8am-10am EST <
1 000 000 000 Supply
Fair Open Launch
10% Pre Mint - ( 60% Marketing / Competitions | 40% Team
How it Works :
Acquire 1001001.001 $BORED
From your preferred Dex
Go to $BORED Catz Club 404
Swap $BORED for 1 of 999 Bored Catz

Swap for New Catz or back to $BORED for 5% Fee.
Additional Info :
> 1,000,000 $BORED BONUS if you pull (1 of 9) One of One RARE Catz
> 1% Supply Airdrop, equal distribution (X) per 404 held - Snapshot Approx. 9 Hours into Launch!
> Exclusive Raffles for 404 Club Members Only ( Boomer, CROGINAL CAT, MERY NFT, CR00TS NFT )
> 404 STAKING ( TBA ) : 5% Supply ( 50M ) 6 Month Lock 🔒

T1 - 1 x Bored Catz Club 404 = 1x ENTRY
T2 - 5 x Bored Catz Club 404 = 7x ENTRIES ( 1.5x Multiplier )
T3 - 10 x Bored Catz 404 = 20x ENTRIES ( 2x Multiplier )
T4 - 20 x Bored Catz 404 = 50x ENTRIES ( 2.5x Multiplier )
T5 - 40x Bored Catz 404 = 120x ( 3x Multiplier ) MAX.